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Comprehensive Planning

The Comprehensive Plan (it may be referred to as a General Plan, Master Plan or Comprehensive Land Use Plan) is the principal document that states development goals and objectives for rural municipality or city.  The desirable development in the local municipality should be based upon a widely agreed vision for the future.

The Comprehensive Plan strives to integrate and balance various development interests and sets general land use and building rules. The usual timeframes for the Comprehensive Plans are 10 to 25 years and they take 1-3 years to prepare depending on the size of the local municipality.

We provide support for the preparation of Comprehensive Plans as well as help to work out the visions and development strategies for local municipalities. The successful planning process needs to be consciously planned. For this, there should be a strategy of how and when to involve the public and handle public meetings. There should be an experienced planner in the planning team who can help to find and write the right wordings for the building rules and regulations as well as fro environmental conditions etc.

According to the Estonian Planning Act, the objectives of a comprehensive plan are to determine conditions for long-term sustainable development and inter-relate them with spatial and economic development. A comprehensive plan needs to determine the need for detailed planning on the territory of local municipalities.

We can also consult our clients on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) topics. We also provide long or short term consulting related to planning processes (for example - how to protect your interests during the planning process, how to write approvals, how to handle disputes and handle negotiations etc).

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