Eesti English

Recommendations from Linkedin:

"Kaur Lass is one of the best experts on strategic (spatial) planning issues. I have been working with Mr. Lass for many years and we have always succeeded to deliver the client with the result. Kaur has good judgment and he always quickly catches the big picture. Not to mention his excellent representation skills and he has a long list of successfully solved cases. I will recommend Kaur Lass to everyone who needs smooth strategic problem-solving."

Rait Kaarma  
Rait KaarmaPartner at Kaarma & Kaldvee Law Office; ESTONIA

"Kaur is very good in many things he does, especially in planning. He is a hard worker and has a great passion for what he knows and believes. I definitely recommend him to moderate a conference. He has a great ability to react quickly to uncertainty in different languages. His empathy, large knowledge-base, and friendliness mixed with good humor are just the essentials what to expect for a successful and lively event."

Lauri Lihtmaa  
Lauri Lihtmaa; Member of the board at EcoBon OÜ, ESTONIA

"Kaur is an architect who understands thoroughly strategic importance and opportunities of spatial planning. Talented planner, designer, and excellent project director, with whom I had a great pleasure to work with."

Jukka Noponen  
Jukka Noponen; Former Commercial Director, Pöyry Plc; Former President, CEO of Soil and Water Ltd, FINLAND


Kaur Lass

Planning Expert and Entrepreneurship Consultant
Architect (MA)
CEO of OÜ Head
+372 50 83 906

See the CV of Kaur Lass here or take a look at his Linked in profile:

Kaur Lass is Estonia's most highly qualified planning expert. He founded OÜ Head back in 2009 intending to provide high-quality planning services and has done that since.
Kaur has held lectures about spatial planning in all Estonian Universities (except Music Academy) as well as given many planning-related training seminars (both here in Estonia and abroad). He was a member of the management board and head of the architecture and planning department at AS Entec (later named AS Pöyry Entec, now acting as OÜ Entec Eesti) from 1997 to 2009 and worked as a planning architect before that in the same company.

Kaur Lass has been involved with strategic and spatial planning on local, county, state, and international levels for around 20 years. He has acted as the project manager of the new Estonian National Spatial Plan - Estonia 2030+ (valid since 30th of August 2012). 

Over the years Kaur has published several articles about planning and leadership. Some of the articles are also available on our homepage for free (mostly in Estonian).

The client list of Kaur includes private companies, Estonian Ministry of Interior, Estonian Ministry of Environment, Latvian Ministry of Regional Development and Local Government, most county governments within Estonia, and numerous amount of local municipalities as well as private persons. As long as the needed budget is present is capable of completing even the most complicated plans.

He has been involved in preparing more than 450 different spatial plans from national spatial plans to local detail land use plans. He has also successfully helped to work out business plans for different companies. Kaur is the only planner in Estonia who has strong skills both on (the real estate) business as well as on the spatial planning side, so he can successfully combine those skills for the benefit of our clients.

In the field of leadership, Kaur has experience in creating company visions, business plans, marketing plans, and also long-time strategies. He has started, developed, and successfully sold companies and also consulted friends and partners who are active in the non-profit sector. In his spare time, has helping to develop the NGO Lilleoru School of Practical Awareness and is a practitioner of Kriya Yoga.

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