Spatial plans influence the environment around us. The planned development should be sustainable, create the co-operation and entrepreneurship possibilities as well as improve the quality of life.
We listen to our customer's needs and provide realistic implementable spatial plans. We know how to consciously write well-grounded motivations in today's world where planning is an open and democratic process. We love the challenge to explain the plans we work on to the wider public in an understandable way. As we are experts in planning and entrepreneurship at the same time we aim to do plans that allow finding a balance between entrepreneurial needs and spatial development.
We do not just plan. We do all our plans with the best quality in whole Estonia.
We consult and prepare comprehensive plans (Master plans). We prepare the planning texts and maps, document the planning process, provide project management, organize public meetings, etc;
We consult and prepare Detail (Land Use) Plans. Including preparing the needed documents for starting the plan, documenting the whole planning process, providing project management, organizing the needed public meetings, providing support for reaching approvals, etc;
We consult how to involve public and solve public disputes;
We consult how to protect one's interest's during the preparation of any kind of spatial plan;
Project management during the planning processes with multiple partners;
We have a wide network of specialists with whom we co-operate both here in Estonia and abroad. With our partners, we are able to prepare 3D models, carry out any kind of spatial plan as well as provide larger planning teams for bigger planning co-operation projects. We always gather our teams based on actual challenges and with focus on the quality of the provided service.
Our CEO Kaur Lass is a well-known planning expert in Estonia. He has more than 20 years of active planning experience. He is willing to help you with training in the field of strategic, spatial or conscious planning. Mr. Lass is also able to act as a keynote presenter or facilitator of workshops and seminars related to any planning theme.
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