We provide consulting on how to involve the public as well as how to create a strategy for introducing new spatial plans, projects, changes in the organization, etc to the public. We can also help with organizing public meetings and/or write the articles introducing different plans, strategic environmental assessment results or projects to the public
With public involvement and communication within organizations, there is a simple rule: communicating information in the right order and way is cheaper and more effective than correcting false information later. Having a good strategy for public participation and controlling the information flow from the beginning is especially important, as rumors and misunderstandings can lead to opposition. If people strongly feel against something, it is almost impossible to change their emotional views only with rational facts later on. Therefore we advise you to have a consciously planned public involvement or communication strategy before starting your project or communicating big changes (for example in case of a merger) in your organization.
Kaur Lass and OÜ Head worked out the public involvement strategy for the new Estonian Spatial Plan - Estonian 2030+. The result was TV coverage, loads of newspaper and newsletter articles and the project homepage: www.eesti2030.ee (not live anymore). Totally more than 2000 persons were directly involved through different events (public meetings, seminars, etc). Here is Kaur Lass presenting the final solution of the plan at Tallinn Airport seminar room.