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We value practicality. We value conscious action. We value entrepreneurship.

Our know-how is at your disposal through the following services:

  • Leadership and entrepreneurship consulting - we facilitate how to use applied awareness and strategic planning for the benefit of your business; 
  • Development planning - we facilitate how to work out mission and vision statements and how to agree on business plans within your team for your organization;
  • Consulting and preparing of Spatial Plans - we are focused on helping the entrepreneurs to prepare Detail Land Use Plans for developing real-estate related business and prepare strategies for Regional and Comprehensive Plans;
  • We facilitate public involvement strategies for and provide support for involving the public in a real-life situation (moderating of the public meetings, seminars, and workshops, etc);
  • We organize entrepreneurship conferences and provide intraprsonal skills e-trainings via our affiliated company Conscious Initiative PLC.
Contact us and let's make a plan for a brighter future!
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